We can't believe it's already almost 2 weeks ago that Riley was born. It's already going by so fast! She is such a good baby. We dont have anything to compare her to, but to us, she is such an easy going baby girl who hardly makes a peep. She sleeps a lot and eats a ton! She is definitely growing! We just love to hold her, snuggle with her, and of course take pictures of her. haha. She wakes up every few hours in the night to eat, but then wants to stay up and play, when we are ready to go back to bed...but a few nights ago she slept 6 HOURS STRAIGHT! We both were not only amazed, but VERY thankful that we can sleep for 6 hours too! But she hasn't done it since. hahaha
On January 17th, at 2:31am we welcomed Riley Rae Pesce!! 7lbs 13 oz. with a head full of hair! We feel so blessed to be able to call her ours. God is soooo GOOD! She is such a content little baby girl
Here are some pictures taken at 9 months...this pregnancy was an awesome one and went by waaayyy too fast! Feels like May 22nd was just yesterday, when we found out I was pregnant! We are so ready to have our lives change 100%....stay tuned :)
Marky is FINALLY back from his 10 day surf trip to Fiji. It felt like he was gone an entire month...but according to him, he wasnt gone long enough! haha... The island he was on was Tavarua which is only 29 acres! He said he walked the entire island the first night in 25 minutes. Marky had the time of his life experiencing the culture of the Fijians, kyacking, snorkeling, snake hunting, opening coconuts with his knife and surfing 12 foot waves!!!!!! What a vacation! BUT now that he's home safe, we are anticipating welcoming our baby girl ANY DAY!!!!
Thanks for checking out our blog...save this site in your favorites, so you continue to come back so we can keep you updated on our lives! Love, Marky, Becky & Riley