Update: ok, lots have happened since I've last 'blogged.' Riley is now almost 3 1/2 months old!! TIME FLIES!! She has now put herself on her own routine...she falls asleep somewhere between 9-9:30 and sleeps until 4am (weird, how every night, its exactly 4am!) and I feed her and she falls back asleep (sometimes easily, sometimes not so easily) and sleeps til about 9am. Im getting used this schedule and am actually liking it :) So here is her latest picture (taken tonight)--she sure does love to laugh!!

She is now beginning to SUCK...whatever she can shove in her mouth...her thumb, fingers, fist, arm...and with the sucking, comes the DROOL! She now mostly has to wear a lame bib. I hate putting bibs on her...it totally ruins her cute outfits!!! haha...whats the point of dressing her cute, if a dumb bib covers it? hahah...so now im on the hunt for really cute bibs. :) So here's a picture of her sucking away.

We got out her 'doorway jumper' out of the garage, and thought we'd try it out (even though it says 4 months and up). As you can see, she's a bit small for it. Her arms don't even come up over the padded bar that she sucks on. But do check out those nice legs!

I am officially back at work...and it is tough!!! It feels that 3 months isnt nearly enough time to leave her! Its sooooo hard to say bye in the mornings!! Mommy misses her little Monkey :)
Riley survived her first REAL time away from Mommy & Daddy! We attended a wedding on a Yacht in Newport Beach, while my parents came over and watched her. For once, here's a picture of us!!