Friday, May 30, 2008


Today Riley got her very first swing ride at Poppy & Nana's! SOOO CUTE!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Like Daddy, Like Riley

Here is Riley in Daddy's old t-shirt that he wore when he was a little boy! So cute!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My FIRST Mother's Day

My first Mothers Day...oh I wish Mother's day was every day!!!! I felt so appreciated and loved...It was AWESOME! Our day started out great!...we woke up, and got ready to head to church, but then realized we are wayyy we decided to go to breakfast first, then head to church. Marky and Riley took me to Park Bench Cafe on Goldenwest. I've always wanted to eat there, so I was really excited to go. It was great that Riley slept while we ate.

We were able to walk around the park while we waited for a table, and then the food...DELICIOUS! (Mom--I want to take you! ) Church was great, then afterwards, we headed down to Sunset Beach where they had a farmers market. I think everyone who lived in Sunset was there. It was soooo crowded! But it was so nice to just relax and be with my husband and daughter. After the market, we walked to the beach to take some fun pictures...then went and saw both our mothers.

If you're wondering why we're in a fire the farmer's market, you were able to get in the here's Riley's first fire truck. :)

4 months in 4 days

Yes, on Saturday, Riley will be 4 months old! its so crazy! She is such a sweet and healthy baby girl! Her new thing is grabbing her feet...its sooooo cute! She's even fallen asleep holding her feet. It's precious! Sometimes she thinks her toes are to be sucked on, since she sticks them in her mouth! We are definitely blessed to have a good baby.


I know Ive been slacking on the blog lately and I appologize. I will try to do much better....I've gone back to work and by the time I get home, Riley gets all my attention. Its hard to squeeze a blog in there. :) Also, Ive been scrapbooking. Im actually in the middle of two. So if I do have a quick 20 minutes, I try to get a page or 2 done. As you can see, Scrapbooking can get very messy... :)