Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
San Elijo
her cute little outfit.
with even cuter sandals.
Riley and Daddy.
Just hanging out in the tent.

Mommy & Riley

My baby gap model

There's our tent...where Riley slept :)


Marky and his watermelon.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Kimee at her best

Friday, June 6, 2008

I put some signs and pictures up all over the house, then decided to put up some blue ribbon off the fan. Then the buzzer went off. Coffee cake was done. Not quite so I closed the oven door for a few minutes while the finish baking to perfection. So i started to tape some ribbon to the celing fan. It looked great. So festive! Until i turned ON the fan. What a mess! They knotted everywhere! I was su bummed. So grabbed Marky's knife and attemted to cut off the tangled ribbon. That didn't work. Then I realized...COFFEE CAKE!!! burned. :(

Check out that booty!!! It looks like a heart!!!!


I love her little new shoes. And bib to match!! here's a picture of her shoe basket. Do you think she has enough??