She did awesome...didnt even make a peep. Just looked around and cooperated like she does it all the time.
She's very healthy...PRAISE THE LORD!
She's gained almost 3 pounds exactaly since birth, which puts her at 10 lbs. 12 oz.
And she's grown 3 inches since birth! She's now 23 inches! Thats sooo long for only 6 weeks!! hahaha
We are so happy that she is growing and is a healthy little girl!
Here are some recent pictures of her...
She's happy here, cause her Auntie Nichole was visiting her!

Her Grandpa and Mai Mai are LOVING her!

Some Love from Daddy

Look how long she looks here!

Riley & Grammy :)

So cute and alert!

HAHAHAH! Just out of the bath! LOOK AT THAT HAIR!!!!!

Just relaxing while visiting her HSS family :)

Showing off her new skirt from Auntie Dodie!!

And lastly...our litte chunky monkey!