So Riley is now one month old...crazy how time has already flown...here's a little bit about our bundle of joy...
-10 pounds
-Very strong!
-Likes to lift up her head to look around
-Eats like a champ
-Poops like a champ
-Lays with hands in fists by her ears
-Spreads her toes apart
-Loves bath time
-Moves like crazy when she sleeps
-Not a big crier (YAY!!)
-Loves her carseat and stroller...instant nap
-Holds her own binky in her mouth with her hands
-Has a perfect part on the side of her head
-Crosses her ankles like a lady when in her car seat
-And excitedly awaiting to meet her new cousin!!!!!
yea for cousins! i think our little guy will love meeting riley considering he was kicking her like crazy yesterday...he he. the pic with riley holding her pacifier is so cute. she's such a doll.
love you boo mamma!
WOW how she has grown...to think we counted the hours and days when you were awaiting her arrival and here we are a month after the grand entrance. You guys are doing so great as parents...keep it up and enjoy every single day. She is one lucky little girl to be so very loved by you, your family and of course, her HSS family too.
Hee - CAROL and all
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