So I finally got Riley into the Dr. for her Well Check-up. She was supposed to go at 6 months, but I called when she was almost 7 months, and to earliest was this past friday. She'll be 8 months next week. The Dr. said Riley is very healthy and very strong! a whopping 17 pounds 9 ounces. ( I swear she weighs 25 pounds! 17? really? only 17 pounds? shhesh!) 28 inches long. Rolls over? yes. Sits up? yes. Crawls? yes. Babbles? yes. Sleeps through the night? yes. Riley is on track with everything!...well almost everything. Just no teeth yet. :( She's definitely teething, they're just not ready to pop out yet. Maybe she'll get all 4 at once! YIKES!!!! Then I asked about the red bumps she often gets under her eyes, looks like they may be allergies. But dr said nothing to worry about, they'll go away. now for food. Yes on rice milk and fruits and veggies. any meats? Nope. then--ready for this? Riley is now ready for ALL FOODS! (all foods!?!?!?) yes, start giving her food off your plate!!! (what?!!) if you're eating rice and beans, give her some. avocados--give her some....its time to let her experience all foods. (wait-am i hearing this right? all foods for my baby? baby?--is she even a baby anymore???) Waaaaaa!!..... SEE YOU AT HER ONE YEAR APPOINTMENT! So of course on our way home Marky wanted to stop at El Pollo Loco and gets a burrito, and as soon as we get home, he feeds her rice and beans! haha...she was sooo excited!
Now Riley has a bit of a cold. A little snotty nose the past few days and yesterday woke up with a little cough. She's such a trooper. Even though she's feeling a bit sick, she sure doesn't show it!
this was this morning after her nap
1 comment:
Georgia didn't get her first tooth until she was 10 months!!!! I thought she would be gumming food until she was 18! But she eventually got them haha! They grow fast man that's for sure! Looks like it's time for round 2 eh?!
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