Happy Birthday Jesus!
We had such a fun and special Christmas Day!...It was so much fun to see Riley point at her stocking, try to open gifts, and just give her lots of love on her first Christmas!
here she is just waking up...smiling as usual.

and here she is not knowing what to do with her stocking.

At about 9:30 we headed to Downey to spend Christmas morning with Marky's family! All the girls got matching jammies for Christmas from Grandma Pesce! :)

Riley and Grandpa

Beautiful Hannah Joelle!
Our DELICIOUS breakfast
Victoria opening her 'Love Box' that I made for her!

Bethany made me a SCRAPBOOK! No one has ever made one for me! I was soooo touched as soon as I opened the first page, I started crying...which made Bet cry!...Thank you for my precious gift! I love it!!!

Riley is opening her Farm!...Thank you Grandpa and Mai Mai

Then at 3, we headed to Lakewood, to spend Christmas with my family.
Me and Sally showing off our super-cool Santa earrings.

Marky holding all the kids...so cute! haha

Such a sweet picture of Sally and Isaiah

Riley playing with the 'baaa'

I have a cool brother and sister-in-law!
I know you ALL are sooo jealous!

Poppy and Makenzie playing with Olives.

Makenzie LOVES her Uncle Jeff

Jeff and Winter!

Ed and Sal

Riley Rae

Poppy and Nana got Isaiah and Riley a Little People car!

and our traditional family Christmas picture in front of the tree...although you cant see the tree.

hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!
ps, thank you for OUR new camera! :)
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