Today marks my baby 20 months old. Oh where did the time go?? I can still replay the 24 hours of my labor. Each step in the process, hour by hour, being anxious for Riley (baby girl Pesce, at this point.) to make her grand appearance and when I can finally hold her in my arms, so close to my heart. That special day was 20 months ago.
Riley has been eating a TON this past few weeks. Seems like she is always hungry! Now mind you, she’s not a big eater. She’s a snacker and needs to have something little every 2 hours. But this week, it’s all day long! Looks like a growth spurt is coming! She weighs 23 pounds; so tiny and still wears her 12 month clothes!
Her new favorite things to do are, playing with the hose, jumping on our bed, using her potty as a chair to read her books, brushing her teeth, coloring which ALWAYS ends up on the walls (dodgers=color in her language) and loves bugs!
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