For those of you who don't know, this is Jordan!...Marky's (mine too!)very talented cousin. She is absolutely awesome in soccer, kills it in softball, and on the basketball court. She has also just taken on the sport of golf, and won her very first golf tournament a few weeks ago. She also has taken on playing guitar....Im telling you, she is AWESOME and WILL excel in anything she wants! So here we are last sunday, at Aleta's side of the family Christmas gathering, and JORDAN LEAD US IN WORSHIP! Im telling you, it touched my heart more than I can even say....Just watching her Praise OUR Lord with her talent, and not to mention that she has the sweetest voice! Jordy, we love you so much and we are so proud of all your accomplishments already! We cannot wait to watch you excel in all other areas of your life. You are so special to us...I pray you can teach Riley all that you know!

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