Friday, March 14, 2008


Thursday was a great day...Marky woke up early go go surf while Riley slept in...which meant Mommy got to catch up on some sleep :) When Marky came home, we all got ready and he took his girls out for some breakfast at IHOP

Marky's girls ♥

Marky is trying to figure out what to order...

Riley is very much enjoying her breakfast with Mommy and Daddy

Marky was very pleased on his steak omlette!...its HUGE!


Amazed the he can finish thing!

Soooo full!! hahahaha

After breakfast, we all 3 went for a walk.

And we're off...Marky on his usual.

Riley is enjoying the sun on her face :)

Such a beautiful day!!!!

Our little family

Then I wanted to try the front pack! :)

1 comment:

Sally said...

What a fun day! Yea for front carriers- make the hubbies looks so sweet toting around the little ones. One a fun (and beautiful) day!!