Thursday, July 31, 2008


this is how i found her asleep.... she does this sooo often...!!

check out her toes through the blanket. when shes sleeping she pulls her blanket so her toes do that...its every single time she lays with her blanket.
Looks like this is her favorite blanket....Thanks Aunt Janet :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

i love foooood!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

oops...Riley is 6 months!

i thought i already did a post on Riley's 6 month mark...but i just checked my blog, and i never posted it...:( so, here it is, a week late.
Riley is 6 months old...she is so so so close to crawling. she gets on all 4's, rocks, lunges, face plants, its almost there. within a week or so she'll be all over the place!...YIKES!
anyway, check out some cute pictures I took of her on her 6th month mark. :) Such a beauty!
this one i actually took a few weeks ago...but i couldnt NOT post it :)

i found this super cute tu-tu at babies r us!!!! i just HAD to buy it!
she kept touching and playing with it

gotta show off the booty! :)
six months :)
i spelled out MONTHS too, but Riley got her hands on those, and I wasnt quick enough to snap a i just got get the point.

i love overalls on babies and I just had to put Riley in overalls! :)

fresh out of the pool

applesauce & bananas

This week was a big week in our house...Riley had her first taste of applesauce and then bananas!! Applesauce was a little too bit sour for her, but she did soooo good eating the bananas!! here are some pictures of one of her many milestones...SOLID FOOD!


She got the concept of swallowing it...even though she spit out half of it. its a work in progress...once we tried the bananas, she wanted to hold on to the cute! :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008


and 2 days ago, Jeff celebrated his 20th birthday! we love you and are so very proud of you!

what the heck ref...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


eddie turned 29 yesterday!!! happy birthday uncle eddie!!

we love you so much!

you are an incredible brother.
i have endless wonderful memories together.
thank you for being that person i look up to.
i will never forget how you would dance in the kitchen.
or your bed head.
thank you for singing at my wedding. i will never forget that feeling i felt watching you sing at my wedding.
the day you pansed me on picture day...i forgive you.
i always wanted to be like you...i even wore your clothes and put my bangs in the wave cause thats how you wore your hair.
you are an amazing husband, father, pastor, brother...i love you!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Reflections & Happy 4th!

I still cant believe today is the 4th of July. This past year has flown by extremely fast! Last 4th of July was spent biking downtown on Main Street with some friends, watching fireworks on the roof of HSS, and wondering what next year will bring, since Riley was a tiny little peanut in my belly. So to catch you up to this year, my belly grew, and grew, and grew, pushed out little Riley in 3 pushes, she screamed. shes healthy. she smiled. she rolled over. she laughed. she grabs. she sits up. she's 5 1/2 months old and today is the 4th of July.

Marky worked today, so me and Riley went bowling with some friends. It was empty! Perfect time to go to the bowling alley...a holiday. Here's some cute pictures of Riley on the lanes....

I sat her outside this afternoon to get some outside shots of her...with and without a shirt :) I looked and looked for a cute 4th of July outfit for her but nothing out there was cute! so this is her one and only red shirt.

Hope everyone has/had a fun and safe 4th of July!

water baby

Riley had her first experience in a pool, and LOVED it. She is such a water baby! She enjoyed it more when someone was holding her, rather than her swim device. She kept trying to grab the bubbles! SO cute!

bikini baby

Check out Riley's new bikini!

Pot Bath

It was a HOT day and Riley was Marky thought it would be funny to put her in a pot. Yes, a pot. We put a little too much water in it, so it did overflow, and on the carpet. oops. But she loved it!


Beckham! ♥♥♥

a few weeks ago me and marky got galaxy was a fun little date night. My parents watched Riley while we got to watch Beckham. it was awesome! I proudly wore my Beckham jersey...along with every single person in the stadium. We had such a great time!