Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Long time, no blog

Update: ok, lots have happened since I've last 'blogged.' Riley is now almost 3 1/2 months old!! TIME FLIES!! She has now put herself on her own routine...she falls asleep somewhere between 9-9:30 and sleeps until 4am (weird, how every night, its exactly 4am!) and I feed her and she falls back asleep (sometimes easily, sometimes not so easily) and sleeps til about 9am. Im getting used this schedule and am actually liking it :) So here is her latest picture (taken tonight)--she sure does love to laugh!!She is now beginning to SUCK...whatever she can shove in her mouth...her thumb, fingers, fist, arm...and with the sucking, comes the DROOL! She now mostly has to wear a lame bib. I hate putting bibs on her...it totally ruins her cute outfits!!! haha...whats the point of dressing her cute, if a dumb bib covers it? hahah...so now im on the hunt for really cute bibs. :) So here's a picture of her sucking away.We got out her 'doorway jumper' out of the garage, and thought we'd try it out (even though it says 4 months and up). As you can see, she's a bit small for it. Her arms don't even come up over the padded bar that she sucks on. But do check out those nice legs!I am officially back at work...and it is tough!!! It feels that 3 months isnt nearly enough time to leave her! Its sooooo hard to say bye in the mornings!! Mommy misses her little Monkey :)

Riley survived her first REAL time away from Mommy & Daddy! We attended a wedding on a Yacht in Newport Beach, while my parents came over and watched her. For once, here's a picture of us!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Look! Its my toes, and they wiggle!

This picture is up there with one of my favorites. Its such a special time when babies begin to really notice their hands and feet. Riley has noticed both her hands and feet for quite some time now. Everyday she seems to find her fist and it first will always hit her straight in the face while staring at it and going cross-eyed. Then she tries again, and she makes it into her mouth, which is followed by an extremely loud sucking noise. That noise always seems to make me laugh. Riley has now began to try to sit up. If she's propped up on the boppy, a pillow or even just laying down, she uses her super strong stomach muscles and tries to pull herself up to sit. Its sooo cute! As you can see in this picture, she is sitting against the boppy...i was taking her picture (as usual) and smiling like crazy. Then all of a sudden she got all serious and started just staring at her feet while she was wiggling them, spreading them, closing them, rubbing them together. It was soooo precious! I couldn't even tear her eyes away from her feet...I am so happy I captured this moment. :)

Fun in the Sun!!

After a fun afternoon taking her pictures, her Auntie Bet came over and it was such a beautiful day that we decided to take even more pictures (imagine that!) of beautiful Riley. I figured that we are sooo spoiled with such great weather each day, why not use the sunlight for some great shots...So here are some more pictures we took. Riley was such a trooper. I nursed her right before we took the pictures, so she will have a full belly and be all smiles....but it kinda backfired! We took her outside but she wouldn't give us much of a smile. I think the full milk belly relaxed her. haha. Anyway, enjoy these pictures!

Who wants to see my belly?

Today I found a new setting on my camera that gives the pictures a really cool color...so i thought I would try it out on Riley...who else? Of course she was in a happy and fun mood, so here are the pictures that I took. How can anyone NOT be in love with this girl??

Friday, April 4, 2008

Such a cutie!! ( 2 1/2 months)

Riley's future Husband

A few weeks ago, we ran into Alyssa Pahules and her cute little boy Kelly. Alyssa and I played soccer together at Biola and we see her, her husband Jason and their adorable son frequently down in Huntington Beach. Here, Marky layed Riley on him in his stroller!! haha.. Cant wait to show them both this picture when they are older!

Sling Sisters!!

I love this picture...we just happened to run into eachother on main street, and we both had our babies in slings!! LOVE YOU BOO!!


Riley's FIRST Easter!!! We had a wonderful first easter as our new family of 3! We woke up super early to attend Calvary's Sonrise Service with Marky's family. Riley did sooo good...all bundled up! After the service we all went out to breakfast, then back to our house for a Easter photoshoot! We then took a quick nap and headed to Eddie and Sally's house to spend Easter with my family. We had a great BBQ, gave Makenzie an Easter Egg Hunt, and just relaxed the rest of the day! Such a fun and loving Easter!!
And as a typical girl...Riley had 3 Easter dresses! hahaha
They all were gifts, and so she just had to show off all three!!!! :)