Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It's time for a little update on Riley's rash.  Well, remember how I called the cream that the Dr. gave us miracle cream?  Ya well I take it back.  It worked for a little bit, but then it came back SUPER blotchy all over her belly and sides. Then that finally went away after a few days.  Then the cream would go on the  rash.  Then the next day where I put the cream on, was very faint.  But there were more spots in a different area.  This went on for a few days, then frustration laid in.  Back to the Dr. we go!  This time they said it's an allergy.  Possible food allergy?  No more cream.  Now its oral allergy medicine.  It's been one day, and again the spots have lightened tremendously!  Whoo Hoo! Hope this time it continues to work!
Tomorrow Riley goes in for her 2nd dosage of shots and blood test.  I guess the Dr. is requesting an allergy testing with that blood test.  I'll keep you all updated!
Meanwhile Riley has an obsession with her feet.  If she finds a crumb on the carpet (I promise, I DO vacuum!) she will sit down and take the crumb and press it into the bottom of her foot.  She does that with crumbs, tape, food, anything.  She will literally sit there for 10 minutes making the food stick.  Then keeps her foot in the air and watches it until it falls off.  Here are a few pictures I took of her yesterday putting her raisins to her feet.

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