Monday, December 28, 2009

happy 18 months, monkey!

Riley turned 18 months yesterday.  I think it’s time for an update on what little Riley has been up to.
She has 16 teeth.  (No, it’s not normal.)   We can’t go anywhere without her blanket, or else we’re screwed!!  She likes to sit in her very small baby stroller and watch TV, or be pushed around.  She likes to hit you if she’s frustrated.  She likes to throw her food on the ground if she doesn’t want it.  She is very polite and says ‘peeease’ for EVERYTHING.  She has picked up on Marky’s code word for poop; which is ‘blllauugghhh’ (pronounced as a fake-vomit sound.) and says that if she has poop in her diaper.  She always wants to go outside.  We have had to put a baby gate on our front door, cause she will help herself, and walk right out side.  If she’s crying in her crib, she gets mad and will bite her paint off her crib.  Her mouth will have white paint chips all over it.  Apparently her Auntie Bet did this too.   If her hair is not clipped back, she always pushes it back like such a girl.  She says Elmo like ‘Ellow.’  She knows if a book is upside down.  If her hand gets dirty, she’ll show me and say ‘whatsthat’ and wait for me to clean her.  She’s not a big eater.  She eats VERY LITTLE portions but frequently throughout the day.  Loves dancing to music.  I have lost count to how many words she says.  Her new ones are flower, bear and bubbles.  She holds her blanket with her feet like a monkey would.  She asks to go into her crib; she likes to sit and read books.  And her newest trick is throwing fits.  If she doesnt get her way, she goes crazy.  Screams. Bangs her head on the floor. Hits. Kicks.  I think the ‘terrible twos’ are creeping up on us.
Here’s her 18 month picture I took today….

This week both my brothers had birthdays.  Eddie turned THIRTY and Jeffrey turned TWENTY-ONE!  I cant believe my baby brother is 21!  Weird.  And Eddie, 30?? Crazy.  Tomorrow we are celebrating their birthdays at the pool  :)
This week was also my last week at HSS.  Very bittersweet.  I have loved being apart of the HSS family these last 3 years; but am so excited to double my hours with Kimberlee West!  I will be at home more; working, but still will be at home with my little Monkey.

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