Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Boo Day!

Sally and I's birthday's fall exactly 2 weeks apart; so this year we decided to celebrate together; just the 2 of us.  We planned this back in January.  We saved up, so we were able to go shopping, have dinner and go to a movie.  It was soo  awesome!  The funniest part, is when we met up after I got off work, we were wearing VERY similar outfits! ha....a pink top with black leggings!  We had so much fun together, and when it was time for a movie; we just picked what fit into the timing.  Only ONE movie fit our time slot.  The Hannah Montana movie! hahaa...we were the ONLY one's in the theater!  But it was awesome!  We didn't have to be quiet, we could get up and dance...anything! :)  But in all honesty, the movie was MUCH better than I expected!  I kinda even want to see it again!
Had so much fun with you Boo!  Can't wait for the next BOO DAY! :)

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