Monday, December 28, 2009


This is the part of being a parent that’s no fun!  Letting your baby cry it out?  Well, I’ve always been against putting my child on a schedule.  If she’s tired, she’ll let me know, then I will put her to bed.  No need to force them to sleep if they aren’t tired.  But over the past year, I’ve had a change of heart.  Putting your kids on a schedule IS a good thing.  Good for the mamma’s sanity! So better late than never, right?  Well, tonight was DAY 5.  She missed her afternoon nap, but her bedtime rolled around; she cried for only TWO minutes.  I felt proud, and accomplished.  Tomorrow’s a new day.  But keep us in your prayers…it’s not easy!  Especially when she can say, ‘Peeeease! Mama!’ while she’s crying.  Breaks my little heart.  I’ll leave you with a funny picture that popped up on my computer screen tonight and it made me laugh…

Here she is at 2 months old.  Another crying picture.  Is there something wrong with me that i LOVE crying pics?? 

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